One thing I learned a long time ago is that if I don’t have goals and a plan to achieve them, then I am not going to achieve what I want to in life.
Every year around this time I schedule out some dedicated time to work on my business and my personal goals for the coming year.
I have goals divided into short term, medium range and long term vision. Essentially 1 year, 5 year and 25 year time lines.
The goals are very different based on the time line. My 1 year goals are very specific, action oriented things. For example, I may have a goal to complete a half iron man triathlon, or to be able to do a muscle up at the gym
My 5 year goals are a little more general. Some examples might be to buy a bigger home if you have a growing family or down size your home if your family is growing up and leaving. These things generally don’t have a date attached to them and they are slightly vague yet clear enough to work towards.
25 year goals are big picture things. These are dreams, or your vision for your legacy. Things you would aspire to be, do, have over the long haul ie. Where you will be when you “arrive” in life. Retire to Florida, buy a cottage, travel around the world, hike Mt. Kilimanjaro?
I would encourage you to book out at least 3-4 hours to sip a hot beverage, listen to some relaxing music and mull over these different goals. Make sure you are with your spouse if you are married. Chances are you will be doing these things together so many of them will be shared goals. Even if they are individual goals, you will need the support and encouragement (and maybe the permission) of your spouse to achieve them.
Once you have your goals you can create the necessary action steps to achieve them. If they are health related – that is where we come in.
If you need some help with action steps or accountability I would be happy to help.
Dr. Craig
PS We are open until the end of next Thursday December 21st. Then closed for a week and re-opening January 2nd in the afternoon.
The week before Christmas is traditionally our treat and sweet week. Drop by for an adjustment so you can be well during the holidays and enjoy some refreshments (both healthy and not so healthy), some Christmas music, and plenty of smiles.
PPS If you need some help with goal setting and planning, book for our Think By Design seminar on Tuesday, January 16th at Elevate Chiropractic @ 6:30pm where we will teach you exactly how to do this. You can register HERE.
I’m Dr. Craig Dingman, and I love helping the families of York Region get healthier and happier every day with chiropractic. When I’m not in the office adjusting patients and coaching them in healthy lifestyles, I’m probably hanging out with my wife, Shawna, and our 3 kids at home or at the cottage. I look forward to meeting you or hearing from you!