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How Do You Eat An Elephant?

Guest Post by Dr. Shawna Dingman

Dr. Craig and I talk a lot about the importance of movements as one of the body’s central requirements for health.

Last summer, I told you about a gentleman I met at CrossFit Aurora Central, Craig’s Crossfit gym. This man began CrossFit almost 2 years ago more than 120 pounds heavier than he is now. He could barely walk.

What amazed me was not only that someone could be dedicated enough to their health to lose 120 pounds, but that someone could have the courage to walk through the doors in the first place and even attempt it.

This man had a vision big enough to see where he could be, not just where he was. He had a belief that carried him through the GAP of how to get from where he was to where he wanted to be.

Most people would be too overwhelmed to try. Instead of doing SOMETHING, they give up and do nothing. And the GAP just gets bigger.

Perhaps for you, this is speaking to you in terms of your fitness. But perhaps it’s hitting you between the eyes in another area of your life.

Whether it’s a marriage in crisis, poor nutrition, challenging kids, a job you don’t like, a dream that seems to elude you or anything else…HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT?

One small bite at a time.

Just do something – one little thing that can move you forward. And then just keep repeating.

Here’s a video of Dr. Craig last summer climbing the rope like an expert. He couldn’t do this when he started. But showing up regularly to work out week after week, month after month gets results. In any area of life!

PS – If you need a little help and encouragement getting moving again (or if you’re already moving and want to make your fitness even better), join us for our next Move By Design workshop, which will be held at CrossFit Aurora Central. The date is Tuesday March 7th at 6:30 pm. Click here to reserve your tickets!

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