Who would have thought that adding butter and coconut oil to coffee would taste DELICIOUS let alone help you lose weight? When someone first told me about “Bullet Proof Coffee” (also known as Butter Coffee), it actually sounded kind of gross. I can assure you, if you love the taste of a creamy, foamy latte from your favourite coffee joint, you’ll LOVE this. Because the GOOD fats in it fill you up and feed your metabolism, you will actually burn fat rather than gain fat because of it. Try this recipe out and leave a comment on our Facebook page if you like it!
Per mug of coffee (about 12-16 oz), add:
- 1-2 Tbsp grass-fed butter
- 1 Tbsp MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride), preferably from coconut
Pour coffee, butter and oil into a Magic Bullet or similar blender and blend for about 20 seconds. Pour and enjoy! You can add cream, sweetener or your favourite spices to flavour as desired.
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