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5 Steps to Your Spring Makeover

It’s pretty exciting to see the sun shine and the birds returning from a long, cold winter. Spring may actually be around the corner!spring

Believe it or not, now is the time to start thinking about a healthy summer season.

Here are 5 things we should all be doing to stay ahead of the game and get healthier NOW, instead of starting slow and letting the season get away from us:

  1. Decide on the #1 health goal you’d like to achieve by the time summer arrives. Maybe it’s trying a new activity, or perhaps dropping a few pounds (Dr. Shawna can help you with that!), or even finding some new recipes to try to make meal time quick and healthy.
  1. Get very clear on WHY you want to accomplish it. As Simon Sinek says “it all starts with WHY”!
  1. Do the research. While the nights are still cold and dark, find out EXACTLY what you need to do or whose help you need to enlist to guarantee your success.
  1. Build a detailed plan. Think of how you would explain what you want to do to someone who’s never done it before. The success is in the minutia!
  1. Place every new habit into your schedule. In Gary Keller’s bestselling book “The One Thing”, he reports that science tells us it actually takes 66 days on average to build a habit. NOT 21. That’s just over 2 months from now. If you don’t schedule the routine into your week, you will forget and go back to old habits and routines.

Good luck and let me know what your health goal is!

Dr. Craig

P.S. – If you’d like some new routines in the movement/exercise department and haven’t been to our Move By Design workshop, the next one is Tuesday March 6th at 6:30pm. You can sign up by clicking here, or by letting Karen know that you would be interested in attending.

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